Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well we have had our first technical difficulty. Yesterday afternoon right before dinner the voltage of the generator on campus went rapidly up and knocked all the power out. After restoring it we found that almost all of the computers that were plugged in, even those powered off, were gone (as far as we can tell right now). Talking to Bryan, our on call electritian (Thanks Bryan) we are trying to figure out what happened and how best to prevent it from happening again. Thankfully I had only plugged in two of the library computers at the time, and all the rest of the computers will be behind UPS backups which should help protect the computers from future incidents.

So today I am trying to assess the damage and figure out how many functioning computers we have on campus. We're praying for the best. I was able to take some good pictures, but not sure when I will get a chance to look at them. Hopefully tomorrow I will get a chance to post, since we won't be working tomorrow.

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