Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Wrinkles in Life

Jo at 5 Months
After two months on the job as a stay-at-home dad I have a newfound respect for parents that stay home and watch the kids. I had hopes of having time to work on my freelance work during Jo's downtimes, but that is few and far between. I didn't think I had any romantic notions of lots of personal time but my expectations have been adjusted.

I have truly cherished all the time I have been able to spend with Jo. However I am starting to get antsy. Antsy, wanting to find the time to look for more work be it full-time or freelance. Antsy to get to a place where I can contribute financially again to our family.

One aside, I have had time to work on my photography as anyone who frequents the site can atest. Now I hope that that creative energy will filter into my other creative interests.

I am also eager for Thanksgiving, the chance to get with family have embark on a new adventure either here in So Cal or elsewhere (we have settled on a location for Thanksgiving).