Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Day at ABC

Well we made it. After 3 days of travel we made it to the campus. Quite a grueling trip though. Seven hours in Brussels seemed to be an eternity. And the 3 hour technical stop in Ivory Coast en route to Monrovia was a bit tiring but we made it. And were greeted by muggy muggy weather. The city is right on the beach, in fact our night in the guest house in Monrovia was about 30 yards from the beach. We fell asleep to breakers which was nice (the A/C was even nicer). Yesterday was a 7 hour drive up to Yekepa, which wasn't bad, but man it felt good to be finished with the travel for awhile.

Today we start off running. Quite a bit of the library was already done which was nice. The drop ceiling, most of the tile work, and all the walls were already done. I was busy working on the network lines for the computers. James spent the day putting in all the lights, Doug and Judi spent the day conversing with customer service for the software company that made the library system. Brad went in between both James and I helping whoever needed the help at the time. And Grandpa (Verl) had the most important job of the day, supervising all of us to make sure we did it all right.

That's all for now as it is starting to rain. Hopefully it will remove all this muggy weather. Next time I am aiming to include a picture if time permits.

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